The University System
This University is composed of multiple academic and health member institutions. It is home to several of the nation’s leading Cancer Institutes and Cancer Centers– which must meet rigorous criteria for world-class programs in research. Acclaim was hired beginning in 2011 to help lower energy procurement costs.

- System energy spend >$100 million annually
- 12 institutions pursued different contracting strategies for power since market deregulation
- It had not leveraged the system’s considerable portfolio buying power
- Energy prices and volatility were near historic highs
- To aggregate system demand to obtain the most attractive terms
- Apply Acclaim’s expertise to develop price risk management strategies, customized to each institution’s requirements
- Systematically make forward purchases as prices declined from near-historic highs
- Become trusted energy advisor to one of largest state agencies
- Changed the system and institution’s paradigm for strategic energy procurement
- Saved more than $69 million in the first five years: $20 million through portfolio benefits and $49 million through risk management
- Projected savings of $70 million during the current 10-year contract: $40 million through portfolio benefits and $30m through risk management