June 5, 2023

Texas has a $10Billion Solution for a 50-Hour Electricity Problem

Our news outlets over the last few weeks created a picture that the Texas Senate had solved the problem by proposing to spend $10 Billion dollars of consumers money for...

May 31, 2023

Unveiling the Current Status of the Texas Power Grid: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Prospects

The Texas power grid has been in recovery ever since Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. This is when the unprecedented weather conditions in Texas exposed systemic weaknesses in the...

April 26, 2023

ERCOT Houston Hub Calendar Strips

Forward power prices are on the rise and Real-time (market index) prices still show volatility.  Energy consumers became complacent in a backward dated market where near-term prices were higher and...

April 19, 2023

Texas Municipal Utility Districts and the Value of Adding Microgrids to their Operations

Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) are special districts created by the state of Texas to provide essential services, such as water and wastewater treatment. MUDs are typically governed by a board...

April 17, 2023

Understanding the Energy Issues Impacting Water and Wastewater Districts

Water and wastewater districts play an essential role in ensuring the proper treatment and management of our water resources. However, like any other sector, these districts face significant energy issues...

April 12, 2023

The Microgrid Revolution: How Localized Energy Systems are Changing the Game

As the world’s population grows, so does the demand for energy. At the same time, climate change is forcing us to think more carefully about how we generate and use...

April 29, 2021

Distributed Generation- Solving the Puzzle of Reliability

Hayden Gaspard, Acclaim Energy’s Commercial Director of Special Projects addresses the value of distributed generation in today’s energy market. Tune in to hear about the technologies, and opportunities organizations now...
